Sunday, June 22, 2008

Payton vs. The Cat

The Cat - 1 / Payton - 0

We had a little altercation yesterday afternoon. Little Miss P decided she wanted to love on the kitty and he apparently didn't like it.

To be fair, I think she scared him and he tried to defend himself. And once I picked her up to soothe her, he followed me around the house meowing. Not sure if it was an apology or he was just freaked out by her crying but it seemed somewhat endearing.

Her face was bleeding pretty bad but I'm just thankful that he didn't get her eye. Oh man, we're lucky. And with neosporin, the bleeding stopped fairly quick and it hasn't scabbed over too much. Cross your fingers there isn't much scarring.

Hopefully Payton will stay away from Jake now. I'm trying to tell her every time she goes near him to "leave the kitty alone, he doesn't like babies!" in an urgent voice. So far it's worked. But it hasn't even been 24hrs yet.

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