Monday, August 4, 2008

NT scan

This morning I had my Nuchal translucency (NT) scan/ultrasound. It was such a relief to see the little bugger and hear it's heart beating. 164bpm! Everything looked good and healthy thank goodness - I've been worrying lately that something was going to be wrong. The tech moved my due date from 2/12 to 2/5, that is SEVEN DAYS LESS that I have to be pregnant! I know, I know - the due date means nothing and the baby will come out when it's ready. But at least *I* feel better.

The baby sucked it's thumb most of the ultrasound, I thought that was so so sweet. :)

I'm still betting my money on this baby being a girl, but we won't know until the end of September. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it is a girl too!!! Come on team pink!